How to Join an Esports Team A Comprehensive Guide
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How to Join an Esports Team A Comprehensive Guide

Esports, or electronic sports, is a form of competitive video gaming that has been steadily gaining popularity over the years. According to a report by Newzoo, the global esports market is expected to reach $1.1 billion in 2020, with a projected audience of 495 million people. With such a large and growing industry, it’s no wonder why many gamers aspire to become professional esports players.

One of the main goals for aspiring esports players is to join a professional team. Joining an esports team not only provides opportunities for competitive play, but also opens doors for sponsorships, endorsements, and other career opportunities. However, joining a team is not an easy feat. It requires dedication, skill, and a strategic approach.

In this guide, we will take a deep dive into the world of esports teams and provide you with all the information you need to successfully join one. From understanding the different types of teams to building your skills and finding the right opportunities, we’ve got you covered. So put on your gaming headset and let’s get started on your journey to becoming a pro player!

Understanding Esports Teams

Before we dive into the steps of joining an esports team, it’s important to first understand what these teams are and how they operate. Just like traditional sports teams, esports teams are made up of a group of players who compete together in tournaments and leagues. These teams are usually sponsored by organizations or companies, and players are often paid salaries and given benefits.

There are different types of esports teams, with varying levels of competitiveness and structure. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most common types:

Professional Teams

These are the elite teams that compete in top-tier tournaments and leagues, representing their organization and country. They have strict schedules and training regimes, and players are signed to contracts with salary and benefits. Professional teams often have coaches, managers, and support staff to help players improve their performance and manage their careers.

Semi-Professional Teams

These teams are a step below professional teams in terms of competitiveness and structure. They may compete in lower-tier tournaments or serve as feeder teams for professional organizations. Semi-professional players may receive some form of compensation, such as sponsorships or prize money.

Amateur Teams

Amateur teams are made up of players who are not receiving any form of compensation for their play. These teams often participate in local or online tournaments for fun and experience. However, some amateur teams may have aspirations to become semi-professional or professional in the future.

Now that you have a better understanding of esports teams, let’s move on to the steps of joining one.

Build Your Skills and Reputation

The first step to becoming an attractive candidate for an esports team is to build your skills and reputation as a player. This requires dedication, practice, and a strong work ethic. Here are some tips to help you improve your gameplay and stand out from the competition:

Play Consistently

To become a skilled player, you need to put in the hours. Make sure to set aside time each day to play your chosen game(s) and focus on improving specific aspects of your gameplay. Consider joining a community or finding a group of players to regularly practice with.

Watch and Learn

Watching professional players and analyzing their gameplay is a great way to learn new strategies and techniques. Many top players also stream their games on platforms like Twitch, so take advantage of this resource to gain insights and improve your own skills.

Participate in Tournaments

Participating in tournaments, whether online or offline, can help you gain valuable experience and exposure. It also gives you the opportunity to network with other players and potentially catch the attention of scouts or team managers.

Stream Your Own Games

Streaming your own gameplay on platforms like Twitch or YouTube can also help you gain visibility and build a following. It’s a great way to showcase your skills and personality, which can make you more attractive to potential teams.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

In the competitive world of esports, having a positive attitude and good sportsmanship can go a long way. Be respectful to other players, even in defeat, and avoid toxic behavior. This not only helps you build a good reputation within the community, but also shows potential teams that you are a team player.

 Determine Your Niche and Game(s)

Esports teams are often looking for players who specialize in a specific role or game. This is because different roles and games require specific skills and strategies, and it’s important for teams to have a well-rounded roster. Before approaching teams, determine your niche and focus on becoming an expert in that area.

Here are some common roles and games in esports:


  • Carry (also known as “ADC” or “Marksman”): A role in MOBA games where the player focuses on dealing damage and securing kills.
  • Support: A role in MOBA games where the player assists their team by providing crowd control, healing, or buffing abilities.
  • Top Laner: A role in MOBA games where the player focuses on controlling the top lane and engaging in team fights.
  • Mid Laner: A role in MOBA games where the player focuses on controlling the mid lane and roaming to support other lanes.
  • Jungler: A role in MOBA games where the player focuses on farming neutral monsters and ganking enemy players.
  • Flex: A role in MOBA games where the player has the ability to play multiple positions.


  • League of Legends (MOBA)
  • Dota 2 (MOBA)
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (FPS)
  • Overwatch (FPS)
  • Fortnite (Battle Royale)
  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Fighting)

It’s important to note that some roles and games may be more popular than others, and it may be easier to find opportunities in those areas. However, don’t be discouraged if your niche is less common – there are still plenty of options available.

Create a Portfolio

Having a strong portfolio is essential when trying to join an esports team. This not only showcases your skills and experience, but also helps you stand out from other applicants. Here are some elements you can include in your portfolio:

Gameplay Videos

Record and compile clips of your best gameplay to showcase your skills to potential teams. Make sure to highlight different aspects such as strategy, teamwork, and individual performance.

Tournament Results

If you have participated in tournaments, make sure to include your results and any achievements or awards you have received. This shows that you have experience playing competitively and can handle the pressure of high stakes matches.

Social Media Presence

Being active on social media can also help you build your reputation and show teams that you are dedicated to the esports community. Share clips of your gameplay, engage with other players and fans, and promote your brand.

 Network Within the Community

Networking is a crucial aspect of joining an esports team. By connecting with other players, coaches, and managers, you increase your chances of finding opportunities and getting noticed by potential teams. Here are some ways to network within the community:

Attend Events

Attending live events such as tournaments, conventions, or meetups is a great way to meet other players and industry professionals. It also gives you the opportunity to showcase your skills and make connections.

Join Online Communities

There are many online communities dedicated to esports, such as forums, subreddits, and Discord servers. These are great places to connect with other players, discuss strategies, and potentially find opportunities.

Reach Out to Teams Directly

If there are specific teams you are interested in joining, reach out to them directly through email or social media. Introduce yourself, highlight your skills and experience, and express your interest in joining their team. While this approach may not always be successful, it’s worth a try and can lead to valuable connections.

Participate in Tryouts and Scrims

Many esports teams hold tryouts or scrimmages (practice matches) to evaluate potential players. This is an opportunity for you to showcase your skills and potentially earn a spot on the team. Here are some tips to help you prepare for tryouts:

Research the Team

Before participating in tryouts, make sure to research the team and their playstyle. This will give you an idea of what they are looking for and how you can best fit into their roster.

Be Prepared

Make sure to practice beforehand and have your gameplay videos, tournament results, and portfolio ready to share. Also, make sure your equipment is in good working condition and that you have a stable internet connection.

Show Off Your Skills

During tryouts, focus on playing your best and showcasing your skills. Communication and teamwork are also important factors, so make sure to communicate effectively with your teammates and follow instructions from coaches or managers.

Be Open to Feedback

Even if you don’t make it onto the team, take any feedback given to you as an opportunity to improve. Ask for advice on how you can better your performance and keep practicing to become an even stronger player.

 Joining a Team

Congratulations, you’ve made it to the final step – joining an esports team! If you’ve successfully completed all the previous steps, you may have caught the eye of a potential team and received an invitation to join. Before committing, here are some things to consider:

Team Culture and Values

Make sure to research the team’s culture and values before joining. You want to make sure it aligns with your own goals and values, as this will affect your overall experience with the team.

Contracts and Agreements

Some teams may require players to sign contracts or agreements before joining. It’s important to read through these carefully and understand your rights and responsibilities as a player.

Player Salary and Benefits

Consider the salary and benefits offered by the team, if any, before making a decision. Make sure they are fair and reasonable for your level of play and compare them to other opportunities you may have received.

Potential for Growth and Opportunities

Joining an esports team is not just about competing in tournaments, but also about building a career. Consider the potential for growth and other opportunities that may arise from being part of the team.


Joining an esports team requires dedication, skill, and networking within the community. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of successfully joining a team and pursuing your dream of becoming an esports pro. Remember to always put in the work and stay positive, and who knows – you may just be the next big name in the world of esports!

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